What’s it like to use our hiring process? A case study with one of our clients

Curious to learn about our hiring method but looking for an example of how it works in reality? We wrote up a case study that details the work we did with our client Storyroot to establish their equitable hiring process.

After starting Storyroot in 2019, the founder, Katie James, was ready to hire in 2020. She wanted to make sure the company’s hiring processes reflected Storyrooty’s values from the very start, to make sure they help drive the company’s DNA as it scales.  

Katie jumped right into learning our equitable hiring process. She saw clearly the ways it would help her hire a stronger team and mitigate the negative impacts of otherwise unavoidable unconscious biases. In the years since, I’ve watched her run Storyroot’s hiring process, checking in only when trickier situations arose or she wanted to train new staff to use it. You can read the full case study here.

P.S. As you read the case study, you’ll notice that one of the pivotal pieces of Storyroot’s hiring process is their values alignment interview. I wrote about that in a recent post.


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